Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Despite persistent weather reports that stressed the potential dangers of Hurricane Sandy, I never anticipated the overwhelming devastation and destruction that resulted from the brutal storm. For me, last week was a reminder of how life can change in an instant, and to never take what you have for granted. Since my children are too young to remember any of this, I decided to draft a letter to share a few other things I learned from the storm.

Dear Big Bro and Little Bro,
Take note of any advice your weathermen offer, especially if they repeat the same warnings over and over again for seven days straight.

Be persistent but patient if you are feeling ignored in the aftermath of a storm. There will be many people who are affected in ways both big and small, and while a few might not be pulling their weight in recovery efforts, most will be working around the clock to help and there will just not be enough hands to help everyone at once.
There will be a few select stories that the media will run in a continuous loop. These stories are important but don’t forget about those who may not be shown on television but are also in need of relief and donations.

Fill up the gas tank of your car before the storm arrives. Don’t question it, just trust me.
If you’re one of the few who didn’t lose power, don’t watch a show called Revolution. Don’t question it, just trust me.

If the storm happens around Halloween, expect trick-or-treating to be rescheduled nine times before it actually happens. Do not tell your three-year old that he will be going trick-or-treating until five minutes before you’re planning on leaving. Unless you want to disappoint your three-year old eight different times.
Make sure you always have a few good books and a flashlight by your nightstand.

Don’t underestimate how quickly Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi and Billy Joel can pull together a benefit concert to help.
Get a land line in case you lose power.

If you have a massage scheduled the day before the biggest storm of the century is about to strike, you do not have to reschedule (even if you get a call from your grandmother telling you otherwise). But you do have to go to the store to stock up beforehand.
Don’t just stock up on food for your immediate family. Buy enough for your entire extended family plus any friends who may lose power. Also, always have enough peanut butter in the house. That will always be the first shelf emptied out in the supermarket before a storm.  

Don’t assume that Andy Cohen will have cancelled his live show just because there is a live hurricane outside his clubhouse.
If you lose faith, take a moment to look around you. You may be inspired, like I was, to witness people who are suffering take the time to assist those who have suffered even more.


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